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Let us help you find the perfect position.
Candidate Services
Placement opportunities with businesses in Tulare, Kings, Fresno and Kern Counties.
Resume Preparation – Provide us with your work history and education and we’ll design an up-to-date resume for you.
Typing & Ten Key Certificates
Registration Process
Registration Process
Services Offered to Candidates
Employment Resource List- No Charge
Typing Certificates- $15
Registration Process
Telephone/Resume Prescreen
Registration & Interview
Skills Assessment
Employment Verification
Available for Opportunities
What is the benefit of utilizing a staffing and recruiting firm?Posting ads, sorting and reviewing resumes, testing skill sets and reference checking all take time away from your daily job duties. Personnel Solutions will handle the entire process for your organization, in turn, directly affecting your bottom line by saving you time and money. Also excessive turnover, overtime, workers compensation rates and payroll taxes can be costly to your bottom line. By utilizing our temporary or temporary to hire process, you can be sure that you are making the right hiring choice for every situation.
Why choose Personnel Solutions?Our professional staff knows the business and the candidates of the San Joaquin Valley. We have built numerous successful client relationships as a result of getting to know our client’s organization and culture and making quality placements. We listen to the needs and requests of our clients to find the ideal candidate for them, based on skill sets and personality.
What staffing methods does Personnel Solutions offer?Personnel Solutions offers temporary, temporary to hire and direct hire placements. A temporary placement can be for any length of time with the understanding that there is no permanent position available. Temporary to hire offers basically a “trial” period in which the candidate will be on our payroll and we cover all the costs of the employee. After the “trial” period, you have the option of transferring the candidate to your payroll, at no additional fee, and he/she becomes your permanent employee. Direct hire placements tend to utilize us as recruiters only. We recruit to your specific job description, provide you with candidates to interview and once you make a decision to hire, the candidate starts directly on your payroll.
What is Personnel Solutions recruiting process?Every candidate participates in a telephone pre-screen to assess their communication skills. If the pre-screen is successful, they are brought in to our office to complete the registration process, an interview with one of our staffing professionals, and computerized skill assessments. At this time, they are also evaluated on their professional appearance and demeanor. Upon completion of the registration process, two professional references of past supervisors are contacted and need to be considered favorable. At this point, a candidate is made active and available and considered presentable to our clients. Drug screens are completed on all applicants. Background checks are completed upon Client request.
Over the phone or online
If you're talented or looking for talent, contact us here:

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